Wednesday, February 27, 2008

We'll be home late Thursday

Here's me and my dad underneath the frangipani tree. Only a select few family members will understand why this is funny!

We leave in just a few hours to begin our trip home. I am so excited to see Jay, Maya, and Tadd and for them to meet Elsa! I am ready for our "normal" life to resume. We get home Thursday night and we are going to want visitors right away! Please don't be shy. Stop by and meet this beautiful girl that I am honored to call daughter.

Monday, February 25, 2008

A few more pics and some good news!

This is one of the things that Elsa does. As she sucks her thumb she notices her little finger waving out in front of her face so she reaches up and touches her little finger with her other hand. We think it's cute!

The girls in the hotel room.

Our travel group of five families. It has been amazing to share this time with these new friends!

Our paperwork has cleared the US Consulate!!!! Tomorrow we have a ceremony then we fly home on Thursday. We are all really ready to be home. I can't wait to share this amazing little girl with everyone. I think you are really going to like her!

Medical Exam

Once we arrived in Guangzhou one of the things we needed to do was for Elsa to have a physical exam by the Chinese doctors. The medical record is needed for the packet of papers that is submitted to the US counsulate for Elsa's citizenship and Visa application. The exam room was crazy! There were dozens of Chinese babies with American (and some Austrailian) parents all being processed through "stations".It was not fun for anyone!!

Greetings from Guangzhou

We are in Guangzhou in southern China. I am able to post to blogspot directly. Thank you, Claudia, for posting for me while we were in Nanjing. I know that you want to see more of Elsa so I will start with that.

Our last day in Nanjing we went to the Sun Yat Sen Memorial. We climbed 327 steps to the top. It was an amazing experience. There are places on this earth you never expect to be and this was one!

The problem here being that what goes up must come down!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

We could hold her forever!!!

A little sightseeing

The orphanage

Am leaving this place !!! Can you tell?

Nanjing Update

What a week this has been! Monday Elsa was placed in our arms and now I can hardly remember life without her. She is amazing! She is cheerful and content. She eats well, she sleeps well, and she loves all the attention we can give her.

We are in a group with four other families who also received their daughters on Monday. It has been rewarding to get to know them and to share this amazing week with them. Tuesday we went back to the Civil Affairs office and signed papers making the adoption final in the eyes of the Chinese government. Elsa is ours!!!

Wednesday we went to visit the orphanage where Elsa spent the past year. It was gut wrenching. The orphanage is responsible for the care of 700 children. The orphanage is clean. The staff is obviously devoted and caring. Feeding, play, exercise, and education are strictly scheduled and documented. The orphanage is connected to a children’s hospital so medical care is convenient and constant. All of this is true.

If there is one thing I have learned in my life it is that truth is complicated. These things are also true: Elsa is almost fourteen months old and she can barely sit up and only for short periods of time. She can not roll over. She does not crawl. She can not reach or grasp things. She can not bear any weight on her legs. She has self soothing habits. She has sucked her thumbs so much that her thumbs are flat on the tops and her thumbnail is misshapen. She rocks her head back and forth to put herself to sleep so routinely that she has a bald spot on the back of her head. She has scrapes and rashes and a bacterial infection blister on her ear. She has bronchitis. In short, Elsa has had care but she has not had a mother’s love. I am up to the challenge!

After touring the orphanage we stopped at the gate outside the grounds. This is the very spot that Elsa was found at four days old. She was just a four pound purple baby laid down on the ground in the middle of winter. Her mother knew that she would be found very quickly in this spot and that she would get the best care available. I was overwhelmed to be standing there. The pain that filled me may never leave… I took a photo of the gate then someone from our group took a photo of the five of us that looks like we are at a tourist attraction. To me it is a ridiculous photo that perfectly sums up the confusion of this week.

In among all of this we have been doing some sight seeing and having culinary adventures. We have been to The Brocade Museum, The City Wall, The Nanjing Museum, and The Confucian Temple. The Chinese people have been curious but very kind about seeing us with Elsa. It has been so wonderful to be able to share this experience with Al, my dad, and Katherine. My dad has been taking a lot of video tape. I am so grateful to have some of this documented. I used to have a friend who would say “They’re never going to believe this part when they make the movie.”

I am hopeful that I will have better internet connection in Guangzhou so I can post to the Blog directly.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Making faces for Mamma



Pretty girl !!!!

The best papers we have signed in a long time



First kiss ...

more pictures

this are some of the pictures that we took a the orphanage. Am having problems uploading the pictures more than one at the time, so this may take a while but is worth the wait.

We got Elsa !!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Elsa's crib at the hotel

We are in Nanjing and we get Elsa in hours! Here's a picture of her crib in the hotel where we're staying.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Saturday we went to Old CityMarket in Shanghai. We shopped and shopped and shopped!. It was a wonderful and exciting and adventurous day. We only saw a handful of western people the whone day.
We found some amazing artwork.

It was a perfect and beautiful day. I kept seeing beautiful children all day long and my heart said, "soon, soon, soon."!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

We're in China

We left the house at 4;30 in the morning on Thursday and drove to Chicago. My dad met us at the airport there. Al's mileage got us upgraded to business class seats and let me tell you, that is the way to travel! We had an awesome 14 1/2 hour flight to Shanghai. I felt like my spirit lifted with the aircraft. Somehow all of my anxiety about this trip and this adoption fell away and I was able to truly relax. (Thanks for the prayer, Suze.) We had great food, relaxation, movies, and rest. I quickly realized that this weekend is going to be my last relaxing and self indulgent time for a while! I am going to enjoy Shanghai, Al, Katherine, and my Dad this weekend feeling peace that on Monday I'm going to get a beautiful bundle of chaos placed in my arms!

Katherine thought the butter on the airplane was very pretty.

We got into Shanghai late afternoon on Friday. We took the fast (431km/hr) train from the airport then a short taxi ride to the hotel. We took a walk down Nanjing road (a major shopping area). Katherine is still talking about a pair of shoes she saw so we will probably be back tomorrow! Shanghai is huge and diverse. Just on the trip in I have seen people living in crumbling shacks and extravagant sky scrapers. I just want to slow down and take it all in.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ready to go!!!

I am ready. I could not be more ready. Elsa's room is done. The freezer is full of meals. The children are delivered all over town. The bags are packed. The housesitter, the teachers, the neighbors, and my friends all have their information and instructions. There is even a pink floral baby seat in Al's SUV! Let's go get that girl!!!!

This room needs a girl!

My Great Grandfather's chair reborn!

Portrait of my Grandma Elsa from 1910.

Check out this beautiful sweater that Katherine knit for Elsa!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Gotcha Celebration

This week was our fifth aniversary of our "Gotcha Day" for Jay and Maya. What an awesome five years it has been. We have witnessed miracles. Jay turned ten years old this week also! How did that happen? I better not blink or he will be fifteen!

We went out to eat at a Japanese steak house to celebrate!

Elsa Baby

These are the referal photos we received in April 2007. Elsa's Chinese name is Yu Yan. (Similar to Susan...) We were told that Elsa had a vascular tumor on her head. My heart said "Yes, I can love that child."

Elsa is in an orphanage in Nanjing just a few hours from where Al was traveling to every month for work. Al was able to visit Elsa in May 2007 and he got this photo. Elsa's hemangioma was already regressing. She was happy and alert and darling!
Al also got this precious video! Thank you, Al. You are a Rock Star!

In September 2007 Al was able to go visit again. Elsa was cheerful and engaging. Al was head over heels for the girl! I can't believe he was able to leave her there.

In November 2007 another adoptive mom, Melanie, took these photos when she was picking up her daughter. Thanks again, Melanie!

I am in love with this girl. She has been growing in my heart for ten long months. I actually physically ache to hold her. I cannot express how connected I feel to her. This wait until we can go pick her up has been almost unbearable at times. It feels like grief and anxiety and fear all wrapped up with love and hope. We need to get this girl home!